Letter from Rev Makonde - 2021
We were delighted to receive a letter in October 2021 from Rev Charles, talking about how the school had coped through Covid-19 and how life was progressing. Please click HERE to read his letter in full
Honorary Ambassador
(Photo) Reverend Charles F Makonde is happy to receive a certificate confirming his position as Honorary Ambassador for Under the Mango Tree, from Gordon Atkinson, Former Chair UTMT (February 2018)
Without Rev Charles' drive, support and boundless energy, Timboni School would not have been born. It was through his efforts in educating the very young under the shade of a mango tree back in 2000 and his subsequent visits to the UK where he talked about the needs of the children in the Kambe area that directly led to the succes the school now achieves.
Under the Mango Tree is proud to call Rev Charles Makonde its Honorary Ambassador