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Mr Elvis Makonde RIP

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It is with great sadness that we report the untimely death of Mr Elvis Makonde, younger brother of Rev Charles Makonde. Elvis leaves two daughters, his wife Rebecca having died at a young age just two years ago.
Elvis was Chairman of the Timboni School Development and Feeding committee and as such was our main point of contact for the school projects. His contribution of time and talents to the school and his support for Under The Mango Tree will be greatly missed.
Elvis worked tirelessly to support the school. He was the person who we routinely communicated with on all the projects both large and small. His ability and willingness to communicate with Under The Mango Tree on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis was invaluable.
Elvis lived only a few hundred metres from the school but he also worked in a Mombasa hospital. This meant he was always up to date with school activity but also frequently “in town” which enabled the communications to work so well.
Elvis will be greatly missed by his family, Timboni school, the wider Kambe community and by all at Under The Mango Tree

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